Luton 2040 No-one in Poverty

In 2040, our vision is for Luton to be a vibrant, fair, and prosperous town where people can live their lives to the fullest. We will all achieve our potential and reduce inequality. A town where no one lives in poverty.

To eliminate poverty by 2040 is a bold ambition, but something we are adamant about achieving. Because poverty is at the core of some of the most serious challenges facing the town, it has become the council's number one priority.

If Luton is free of poverty, everyone benefits. Residents will be happy and healthy. A thriving economy and a highly-skilled, high-performing workforce will benefit businesses. Efforts will alleviate pressure on the public sector and charitable organizations, which are currently overwhelmed with service demand.

Through our collaboration, more residents will be able to take advantage of opportunities created by our transformed economy. Together, employers and training providers will partner with the council to provide people with the skills and support they need to access good jobs and to meet the needs of emerging sectors. Employers in Luton and the council will also cooperate to provide more jobs that pay a real living wage to workers in the town.

In addition, we will work together to help build even greater resilience in our community, by making sure that all organisations build services in a way that enables people to help themselves and one another, and by overcoming barriers that certain groups face, such as discrimination.

 Click HERE to find out more about the Luton 2040 vision.